Corporate volunteering made easy

Our services are designed to seamlessly integrate corporate teams into rewarding volunteering experiences that not only benefit communities but also foster team bonding and personal growth.
Corporate volunteering has countless benefits, not only for the community impacted, but also for the promoting company and its people.
Corporate Volunteering

Benefits of corporate volunteering

Enhances the company's reputation

More and more companies seek to develop their Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, and having a corporate volunteering program is the best way to start that path.

Connects individual and corporate purposes

New generations want every action they take to transcend, and their work to generate positive impact. This allows the work environment to be healthy and inspiring.

Enriches internal communication

By creating channels to talk and share about volunteering initiatives, people adhere more deeply to the same higher purpose, raising corporate culture and well-being indicators.

Inspires the employer brand

Through volunteering, you can strengthen your employees' loyalty, provide them with a purpose where they can give their best, and feel proud. It also motivates the company to become aspirational.

Develops employee skills

Volunteers involved in these programs develop skills that they may not use in their daily work, such as leadership, project management, teaching and many others

Why do it with us?

Industry experts

We're creators of the largest volunteering community and partners of multiple organizations from and outside Portugal. We know the industry inside out.

Modern approach

We understand like nobody else that times change, even for volunteering. That's why we offer modern and attractive solutions that your employees will simply love.

Flexibility is at our core

Every company is different, so we take our time to understand the needs and challenges of yours. We want to offer you a tailored solution that will fit your company like the best suit.

Ready to take volunteering at your company to the next level?
We've got you covered with a wide range of services, including team-building activities, gamified volunteering solutions, along with advisory services for those uncertain about their needs.
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